DePlus Kia goes on a killing spree, sweeps first set of Reeves sandbox match

The power differential was greater than expected. Plus Kia mercilessly slaughtered the rib sandbox.

DePlus Kia started off with a bang: Maokai, aka “Canyon” Kim, ambushed the bot while their opponents were distracted by the dragon and picked up two clean kills. To make matters worse for Reveal Sandbox, a failed bot dive resulted in two more kills. DePlus Kia got their third kill on Jerry, played by Myung-jun “Envy” Lee, with Maokai’s ultimate ganking.

Reveal Sandbox claimed their first kill with an ary-bai combo. However, it didn’t slow the momentum. The already big Lucian-Nami picked up another Jerry, and in the tower, Kim “Kanna” Chang-dong’s Renekton was comfortably pressuring the tower. Both dragons and the Herald of the Gorge belonged to DePlus Kia.

Plus Kia effectively sealed the victory with a big win in the hantas ahead of the third dragon. Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu’s Lucian was already the embodiment of battle. From there, it was a one-sided slaughter. 스포츠토토 There were a couple of counterattacks from Reeve Sandbox, but they only resulted in a 1:2 kill exchange. Eventually, an ace in the mid lane ended the game.

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