KB Sonbo loses 11 straight after opening win…psychological pressure hinders way out

“When the losing streak gets longer, there is a lot of pressure and the players have a hard time psychologically (…) (Losing streaks) are a big psychological problem.”
Men’s volleyball KB Insurance Stars head coach Hoo In-jung’s face is getting darker.

The longer the losing streak goes on, the more psychologically draining it is for the players, leading to a pattern of poor play.
Speaking to reporters before their final game against OK Financial Group in the second round of the 2023-2024 V-League Men’s Division, Hoo In-jeong admitted that the team’s losing streak was largely influenced by the players’ shrinking psychology.

Even in close games, the team’s psychological pressure often leads them to repeat their standardized attack patterns and errors at crucial moments.
KB Sonbo’s game against OK Financial Group Eom-man on the 29th epitomized the problem.

KB Sonbo held a two-point lead at 20-18 in the decisive fourth set, but the team’s only attacker, Andres Biyena, was blocked and Hong Sang-hyuk’s attack was blocked, resulting in a 20-21 deficit.

In the last minute, the opponent’s intense defense forced Biyena to commit another error and the game was lost. KB Sonbo had 27 errors, 10 more than OK Financial Group (17).
KB Sonbo’s players, who encouraged each other to “be confident” after every timeout, showed a passive offensive pattern in the second half of the game.

Unable to find other attacking routes, setter Hwang Seung-bin’s tosses were focused only on Bjorna, whose hitting percentage had decreased due to decreased physical strength, and the predictable attacks could not break through the opponent’s height. 카지노
The problem was that there was no solution to the situation.

Hwang Kyung-min, one of the pillars of the offense, will need at least three more weeks to return from a rib injury.

This means that the existing players will have to shake off the psychological burden of the losing streak. “

If you look at the difference between a good team and a bad team, it comes down to whether or not they attack confidently at crucial moments,” said Yoon Bong-woo, a commentator for KBSN. “

KB Sonbo needs to play aggressively and put pressure on the opponent, but they made a mistake at a crucial moment, which puts pressure on the players.”
KB Sonbo’s longest losing streak is 12 games, set in the 2019-2020 season.

They are just one game away from tying the record.

KB Sonbo hasn’t won a single game since winning the opening game.

On December 2, they will face KEPCO, which has won five straight games, and it will be a tough fight.

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