Loki Sasaki pitching
‘Maximum speed of 155 km/h’ Sasaki, 13 pitches, 1 hit, no runs in 1 inning against Lotte
Japan Chiba Lotte Marines’ Rocky Sasaki is pitching in a practice game against the Lotte Giants held at Nishizaki Baseball Stadium in Itoman City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan on the 25th.
Professional baseball Lotte Giants outfielder Yoon Dong-hee (20) hits a refreshing double from Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB)’s fastball pitcher Roki Sasaki (22, Chiba Lotte Marines). was selected.
Dong-Hee Yoon started as the second hitter and right fielder in an exchange match with Chiba Lotte held at Itoman Nishizaki Stadium in Okinawa, Japan on the 25th, and lightly turned the bat from the first at-bat in the first inning.
In the first inning, with Kim Min-seok, the number one batter, striking out and no runner on with one out, he pulled Sasaki’s third pitch, a 151 km/h fastball, and sent the ball deep into the left outfield, landing on second base.
However, the follow-up batter, No. 3 Victor Reyes, hit a foul fly, and No. 4 Jeon Jun-woo hit a ground ball to shortstop, so he could not come home.
Dong-Hee Yoon, who joined Lotte in 2022, played an active part with a batting average of 0.287, 111 hits, 2 home runs, and 41 RBI in 107 games last year, and was selected for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Professional Baseball Championship (APBC) national team, leaping forward as a player who will take responsibility for the future of Korean baseball. I’m doing it.
This was Sasaki’s first actual game appearance this season, and he left the mound after only one inning.
He left 1 hit, 1 strikeout, and no runs in 1 inning, and threw 13 pitches, hitting a top speed of 155 km/h.
He also struck out Kim Min-seok with a forkball at a speed of up to 139 km/h.
Sasaki is a player who set a new NPB speed record of 165 km.
In the game against Orix Buffaloes on April 10, 2022, he achieved a perfect game at 20 years and 157 days, the youngest player in NPB.
Ahead of this season, he had a conflict with his team by demanding early entry into the Major League Baseball (MLB).
Sasaki’s NPB career records are 46 games, 19 wins, 10 losses, 283⅔ innings, 376 strikeouts, 56 walks, and an ERA of 2.00. 토토사이트